Sierra Products Vision

Sierra Products is committed to providing products and services that meet or exceed all customer requirements and applicable standards and specifications. Each employee is committed to this goal.

Sierra Products Continuous Improvement

The Sierra Products Corporate Quality Policy is to continually improve processes by supplying -on time- goods, services and information of a quality standard that shall consistently meet or exceed the requirements of our customers. We will ensure a high level of customer satisfaction to maintain long term commitments, productive customer relationships, and to provide a positive work environment.

Sierra Products Personnel

All Sierra Products personnel are responsible for the attainment and maintenance of this quality standard. We will strive to maintain and exceed our high quality internal standards.

Sierra Products Quality Philosophy

Sierra Products is committed to improving our product and service quality from the customer's viewpoint with the aim of maintaining and enhancing customers' satisfaction, reliability and trust. This reflects Sierra Products's belief that our most important goal is to remain a highly trusted partner for our customers.

Sierra Products Quality Partnerships

All our production facilities are ISO 9001:2008 registered and are certified by the American Institute of Bakers. These facilities are regularly audited by outside parties for performance to this standard.